July 31, 2024. Our first class, after an open planning session on July 24 to gather inputs, recommendations, etc. Many thanks to those who came and offered excellent counsel.
To begin, we're drawing upon a 10-week course called "Constitution Alive" by Patriot Academy, which was recorded both in Philadelphia - yes, in Independence Hall, the room where the Constitution was written -- and in the library at Wall Builders, perhaps the most complete collection of original Revolution-era documents anywhere.
So we're learning from what they ACTUALLY believed and wrote, not from what the words have been distorted to mean by generations of perhaps well-intentioned, but often badly conceived "adjustments"!
The Constitution, as written and amended, stays relevant through centuries because it is built on principles, not specifics. Those principles are clear, and do not need judicial reinterpretation in each generation. Many of our current national struggles are caused by the abandonment of the strong foundations we were given, and returning to those foundation principles would be a great benefit to our children and their children!
Come join the fun. Let's all learn together. Wednesdays at noon!